
This will be all about how to use magick to its fullest

One of the best ways to get started is to lean to do a mental exercise that I came up over the years. The way to start to do this is very easy, but the more you get in to it you can wear yourself out fast. So you must take it slow at first. Take a few months before you do this mental exercise more than 3 time a week. 

  1. Sit down on the floor.
  2. Place your finger tips together then push your middle fingers knuckles together and place your thumbs under your middle fingers. 
  3. Closes your eyes and draw a mental circle around you.
  4. Clear your mind and picture total dark void.
  5. Draw a circle darker than the void in our mind.
  6. With your mental hand pull at the circle from the right side of it until it meets the left side.
  7. Now with mental hand pull at it til you have a sphere in your hand.
  8. Next make the sphere any other color you like other than black.
  9. Now that you have got to this point pull out your your other mental hand so that you can play with the ball.
  10. After that, crush the sphere into hundreds of other spheres, then start playing with them by bouncing  them in the unlimited void. This is what will push your magickal mind.
  11. After about 20 minutes put the spheres back together. This is where you must find a way to bring them together. For this is diffident for each person. 
  12. Now do all of this in reverse so that you can end this mental exercise    

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